Global Research

Research-related resources, including academic reports, publications and websites dedicated to promoting and advancing 2SGBQ+ men’s health research.


Engage Study

A study on men’s sexual health conducted throughout Vancouver, Toronto and Montreal, with the aim of increasing HIV and sexual related research for MSM. Additional information can be found here.

EMIS – The European MSM Internet Study

EMIS was a survey similar to M-Track, made with the intent to study the transmission of HIV and other STIs across several countries within Europe. It was conducted once in 2010 and again in 2017.


 Man on Manitoba is made possible by the contributions of dedicated volunteers, partners across Manitoba, and support from the Community-Based Research Centre, a national organization that promotes the health of Gay, Cis, Trans and Two-Spirit men in Canada.

You can help too by making a donation now to support our work. Click the button below to find out how.